5 Tips For A Successful Tummy Tuck

We’ve all dealt with stubborn belly fat. No matter how much you diet or how many miles you log on the treadmill, it just won’t budge. This is exactly the scenario that tummy tucks are designed for. With that said, the tummy tuck isn’t something to be undertaken lightly.
Tummy tucks are surgical procedures that require a good deal of preparation and recovery time. They don’t come cheap either! You’re going to want to make sure you get the most out of the procedure, and to do that you’ll probably need a little help. Here are 5 tips that will help you make the most of your tummy tuck.

1. Go In With Realistic Expectations
The tummy tuck isn’t a magic bullet procedure. It’s great at dealing with that stubborn belly fat that just won’t go away, but it isn’t a weight loss procedure. While patients may drop a few pounds after the procedure — you are getting rid of some fat after all — it’s not an alternative to traditional weight loss methods.

You can gain weight back after your tummy tuck if you aren’t careful. For that reason, it’s recommended that you already be living a healthy lifestyle. Being at or near your ideal weight will also lead to better results.

2. Listen To Your Body
If something feels off, don’t ignore it! Serious complications from tummy tucks are rare, but they do happen. Even if it isn’t something serious, talking with your surgeon can help alleviate concerns and make your recovery less stressful.

3. Eat Right — Both Before And After The Procedure
Being mindful of your diet before the procedure is essential for many reasons. Not only are the cosmetic results better if you go in at a healthy weight, your body will also be healthier making the recovery process that much easier. What you put into your body can have a huge impact on how speedy your recovery is.

There are also certain foods that you’ll need to avoid and you definitely shouldn’t be drinking any alcohol. For more information on what you should and shouldn’t eat during recovery, it’s best to consult directly with your surgeon.

4. Get Plenty Of Rest
There’s no getting around it. You’re going to have to take it easy after your procedure. Immediately after you’re probably going to be exhausted and a bit loopy from the anesthetic. In the days following you’re going to want to get plenty of bedrest and limit your physical activity. If you have a lot of household responsibilities, make sure you have a friend or family member who can help you out during this first week.

As time goes on you can slowly start reintroducing activities, but you should wait until you have approval from your surgeon before you do any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise. Within a few weeks you should be able to return to your normal routine without much issue.

5. Listen To Your Surgeon
All of these tips will help you make the most of your procedure, but there is one piece of advice that stands above all the rest: always listen to your surgeon. Assuming you’ve picked a good one, they’ll be able to tell you everything you need to know about your tummy tuck. For more information, please contact us today at the Florida Center for Cosmetic Surgery.
