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A Comprehensive Guide To Face Lifts

Looking for a way to turn back the clock and restore a youthful appearance to your face? A face lift could be just what you need. Here’s what you need to know about getting a face lift.
Explaining Face Lifts
The face lift — also known as rhytidectomy — is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting signs of aging on the face and the neck. You see, as you age your face naturally begins to sag and wrinkle. This is caused by a number of factors including sun damage, stress, thinning skin, and a loss of facial fat. There are also some avoidable environmental factors such as smoking and weight gain that can cause the face to age prematurely.

Still, even if you take perfect care of your face, aging is a natural process that you can’t avoid. The only way to “reverse” this process is with cosmetic procedures like the face lift. Face lifts aren’t perfect — you can’t expect to look 20 forever no matter how many procedures you undergo. They can help give you a more youthful appearance however, by removing the sagging skin around your face and neck.

Are You A Good Candidate For This Procedure?
Face lifts aren’t for everyone. Some people are too unhealthy to undergo this procedure while others have issues that are better solved with a different procedure. The ideal candidates for a face lift would have the following traits:

  • Healthy and at or near their ideal weight
  • Doesn’t smoke
  • Has realistic goals and expectations

In order to know for sure if a face lift is right for you, it’s best to consult with a qualified cosmetic surgeon. They’ll be able to review your medical history and determine whether or not this procedure would help you reach your goals.

What Happens During The Procedure
First, you’ll be given either local or general anesthesia depending on the extent of the procedure. For full face lifts the surgeon will make an incision near the hairline and around the ears, which they will use to sculpt the tissue around your face, jowls, and neck while removing excess skin. There are also “mini” face lifts where an incision is made near the temples. This type of procedure is best for patients who only need minor work done. Once finished your surgeon will close the incisions up with sutures or skin glue. Now it’s time for recovery.

What To Expect From Recovery
Many patients are able to return home immediately after their procedure. You won’t be in any condition to drive yourself, so make sure you have a friend or family member there to drive you. Before you leave your doctor will probably go over your care instructions. You’ll need to take it easy and avoid any vigorous activity including exercise and sex for at least two weeks. Once home just make sure you stay hydrated and get plenty of rest. As long as you’re following your doctor’s instructions there is minimal risk of any serious complications.

Are you looking for an experienced cosmetic surgeon to perform your face lift? Dr. DeMercurio has over 9 years of experience in the field and his clients hold him in very high regard. Please, contact us at The Florida Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery today for more information on how brow lifts can help restore that youthful appearance to your face.
