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Breast Augmentation: What To Expect From Start To Finish

The breast augmentation is an extremely safe and effective procedure. Even so, it’s not something to undertake lightly. If you want the best results, you need to go into it as informed as possible. Here’s what you can expect during every stage of your breast augmentation.
The Initial Appointment
The first step towards getting a breast augmentation is the initial consultation. During the appointment, your surgeon will ask you questions and review your medical history to get a better idea of whether the procedure is a good fit for you. They’ll ask you questions about things like:

  • Why you want a breast augmentation
  • What your desired outcome is
  • Whether you have a family history with breast cancer
  • Whether you’re a smoker/drinker/have a history with drugs

You need to answer all of these questions honestly. Remember that your surgeon only wants what’s best for you. Once these questions are out of the way your surgeon will examine and measure your breasts, take pictures, and discuss your treatment options. In most cases, they’ll have wearable implants that can give you an idea of what the different sizes will look and feel like on you. Don’t stress too much about it — you won’t have to decide on a size right away — it’s just something to help you better understand the procedure.

The Procedure
Now, it’s time for the procedure itself.

  1. Administering Anesthesia – First, your surgeon will administer either general or I.V. anesthesia depending on what works best for you.
  2. Making The Incision – Once you’re fully sedated, an incision will be made. Where they make the incision will depend on your current breasts and your desired outcome. Typically, incisions are made either along the edge of the areola, under the breast fold, or in the armpit.
  3. Inserting The Implant – Now it’s time to place the implant itself. Again, what type of implant is used and where it’s placed (behind or in front of breast tissue) will depend on your current breasts, desired size, and your surgeon’s preference.
  4. Closing The Incision – Finally, the incision will be closed and the healing process can begin.

As you can see, this is not a particularly complicated procedure. The risk of complications is minimal when performed correctly and most incisions heal fully without leaving visible scarring. It’s still surgery though, and it will take some time to fully recover and see your results.

Immediately after the procedure, you’ll be taken to a recovery area to be monitored for a short time. In most cases, you’ll be able to return home within a few hours. Make sure you have someone to drive you home, because between the sedation and the discomfort you won’t be in any condition to drive. Once you are home you’re going to need to take it easy. Most surgeons recommend at least five to seven days of bed rest. That means no strenuous physical activity. As long as you carefully follow your surgeons post-op instructions, you should be able to resume normal daily activities within a week.

So, that’s roughly what you can expect at every stage of a breast augmentation. If it sounds like something that could improve your quality of life, then it’s never too early to get the ball rolling. Please, contact us at the Florida Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery today to set up your initial consultation.
