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Looking Great After Liposuction: How to Maximize and Maintain the Results

Sometimes diet and exercise just isn’t enough to erase the stubborn fat that insists on hanging around. Thankfully, there is liposuction, a procedure that allows your doctor to remove excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body. It’s a great tool for attacking those trouble areas that often include the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, the backs of the arms, and even the chin. It’s a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that can have you looking and feeling great in a matter of days.
Then it’s time to maximize and maintain the results. Here’s a look at what it takes to get the most out of your liposuction procedure–today, tomorrow, and well into the future.

1. Hydrate
Water is wonderful. It helps keep your joints loose. It keeps your skin looking young and healthy. It regulates your body temperature, boosts your performance during exercise, and aids weight loss.

Remaining properly hydrated after liposuction can play an important role in helping you maintain your new look. Drinking water has been shown to help people burn more calories, maintain a healthy metabolism, manage appetites and even reduce their body mass index. So stay hydrated!

2. Exercise
Everyone should exercise, but it’s especially important for people who’ve had liposuction.

Make sure you talk to your doctor about how soon you can resume your regular exercise regimen. You might have to focus during the postoperative period (it can help prevent complications and aid recovery). But once you’re fully healed, it’ll be time to get back into the swing of things.

Exercising will help keep your muscles tone. It will also help prevent fat cells from other parts of the body from filling in for the fat cells you had removed from your body.

Remember, lipo isn’t a weight-loss procedure. Lipo can help get rid of stubborn fat, but in order to lose weight and keep it off you’re going to need to exercise regularly.

3. Eat Right
Exercise is important, but it is not a replacement for eating a healthy diet. As an article in The New York Times so eloquently points out, “when it comes to reaching a healthy weight, what you don’t eat is much, much more important than exercise. Eating right will make the gains you achieve from exercise more noticeable, and it will make it so you don’t have to work out quite so hard (unless you want to). After all, it’s a lot easier not to eat a 1,200-calorie cheeseburger than it is to try to burn 1,200 calories on the elliptical.

4. Stay Cool
Studies have shown that there is a direct link between chronic stress and weight gain. Stress increases the levels of cortisol in your system, which in turn causes your body to crave unhealthy foods. These sugary, salty, calorie-saturated foods then increase your insulin levels, which causes your body to ramp up its fat storage.

So stay cool. Take steps to reduce stress in your life. You’ll feel better–mentally as well as physically.

Stick With It
Liposuction isn’t a panacea, it’s simply a tool that can help you achieve your goals more quickly. And it’s results won’t last forever if you don’t stick with an aftercare program.
So stick with it.

Talk to your doctor about how you can put in place structures and systems that help you stay hydrated, eat right, exercise, and reduce stress. Remember, maintaining the results is a marathon, not a sprint.

If you’d like to learn more about liposuction, connect with us today.
