While scarring is a concern for some, it’s important to note that scarring is minimal in most patients, and can usually be easily concealed by clothing or body makeup. For most patients, the benefits of this surgical option greatly outweigh any short-term complications. These benefits go far beyond mere aesthetics.
Medical Benefits
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), tummy tuck procedures rose 87 percent between 2000 and 2014. That’s no surprise for medical professionals, who have long touted often unknown health benefits of the procedure.
Reduction of Stress Urinary Incontinence
Following vaginal birth, many women experience complications with bladder control. This is known as stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Doctors agree that — while not directly aimed at SUI — this procedure can positively aid in swift recovery.
Improved Posture
Stomach muscles become stressed during and following significant weight loss or multiple pregnancies. In most cases, the muscles won’t just “bounce back” no matter how much you exercise or adopt healthy eating habits.
This procedure actually tightens those weakened stomach muscles, which helps better support the spine. That means you’ll stand straighter and sit with better posture. Good posture reduces back pain and other health complications associated with weak stomach muscles.
Better Balance
You may have heard the stomach area referred to as the “core.” This area is the center of your body, and helps you do most everything from sitting/standing, lifting, walking, even breathing! That’s why it’s essential that the core is in good working order. If you have a weakened core, you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage, and preventing yourself from living life to the fullest.
Increased Overall Wellness
Research published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery suggests patients who undergo tummy tuck surgery are more likely to maintain a healthy weight as time goes on. In addition, because this procedure actually tightens the stomach muscles, many patients have reported an increased tolerance to exercise. These patients have been able to start or resume training regimens that include running, walking, aerobics, and more.
Whether your focus is on getting back into shape following pregnancy or weight loss, improving your posture, finally moving past nagging health complications, or just feeling better, now’s the time to consider tummy tuck body sculpting. Far beyond vanity, the procedure could be the answer to current concerns. Dr. Demercurio at the Florida Center For Plastic And Cosmetic Surgery can help you get your body back. Contact his office today to learn more.