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Answering 5 Questions You Have About Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the world. Of its many benefits, the most significant is that it increases women’s self-confidence and can help them achieve the look that makes them feel most beautiful. If you’re curious about breast augmentation surgery, you might be interested to hear answers to these commonly asked questions by our patients.

1. How Long Will It Take To See My Results?
Breast augmentation results will vary from person to person. Typically, it takes our patients three to six weeks to recover from the procedure, with most of the swelling going down after the first four weeks. As you can imagine, it can take a little time for your breast tissue to get used to the implants, but once they do, you’ll be amazed at the results!

2. Will The Recovery Be Painful?
It would be unrealistic to suggest that any surgical procedure is pain-free. All of our patients respond differently to post-surgical pain. Some common sensations related to this procedure are pain around the incision site and aches and pains associated with stretching skin and muscle. Any discomfort should begin to ease within the first week and subside gradually over your recovery period.

3. Will I Need To Sleep On My Back?
We do ask our patients to sleep on their backs for at least the first few months to avoid putting unnecessary strain on their incisions, which can interfere with the healing process. Habitual side or stomach sleepers may want to practice back sleeping well before the procedure. If you have trouble sleeping on your back, try using some extra pillows for support.

4. When Can I Start Exercising Again?
For some people, changing their daily routine is the hardest part of recovering from breast augmentation surgery. Your body will need time to heal after the procedure, so we ask that you avoid intense physical activity, including most forms of exercise. Patients should refrain from lifting anything over 10 lbs for at least a few weeks after surgery, at which point they should be safe to resume light physical activity.

5. Will I Still Have Nipple Sensation?
Yes, you should retain sensation in your nipples. It’s common for patients to experience some loss of sensation as a result of breast augmentation, but it’s rare for patients to experience complete sensation loss. Often, the partial loss patients experience is temporary, and the sensation returns within a few months of their procedure. Your breast augmentation consultation is a great place to ask for more information on the topic of nipple sensation,

Because we’re all different, we heal differently, too. The best way to gain potential insights about your breast augmentation recovery or results is to schedule a consult with your plastic surgeon. Armed with accurate information about your goals and personal medical history, we will be able to give you a better idea of what you can expect from your procedure and the weeks and months that follow.

We hope this has provided helpful answers to some of your breast augmentation questions. At Florida Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, we love to help patients look their best. But what really excites us is helping them feel better than ever after a simple but life-changing cosmetic procedure. Contact us today to book a consultation.