Power Pairs: Our Top 3 Favorite Procedures to Combine

These days, it seems people are busier than ever, and because of that, we’ve all learned how to become more efficient. We walk on the treadmill while we work and listen to audiobooks during our commutes. Multi-tasking has become our new normal. Since we’re willing to multi-task with our daily habits, why not take it […]
3 Reasons Dr. DeMercurio is a Top Choice for Plastic Surgery in Ormond Beach

Choosing the right doctor can feel like an overwhelming task. You want the best person for the job but also someone who will make you feel comfortable and who you can trust in the long run. It seems like a wide swath of traits to get right in your search. This is especially true when […]
Plastic Surgeon Checklist: The Boxes Your Doctor Should Check

Each of us has to make many different choices in the relationships we maintain in our lives. We choose people to be our friends and partners, people we hire to help us around the house, and ultimately, we have to choose our medical providers. A lot of pressure comes with choosing just the right doctor […]
The Top 5 Types Of Lifts We Offer

Have you noticed the impact your daily life has had on your body? It can seem like one day, you’re feeling young and fresh, and the next thing you know, things are drooping and sagging more than you’d prefer. It’s natural for our bodies to change with age, childbirth, weight gain and loss, and more. […]
Winning Combinations To Help You Meet Your Body Contouring Goals

It’s easy to think of plastic surgeries as individual procedures that exist alone and serve only one purpose. However, that is rarely true. In fact, most of our surgeries are extremely successful when paired with one another. If you’re going to invest your time and money into plastic surgery, you’d better come out looking just […]
Align And Renew Your Youth With A Face Lift

Do you ever feel like you’re aging much faster than you ever thought you would? Each year ticks by at the same speed as the one before it, yet somehow many of us wake up one day feeling like our youth has disappeared in a flash. One day we were young and energetic with plump, […]
4 Ways You Can Avoid Regret When Making Cosmetic Surgery Choices

Occasionally, celebrities make the news because they are sharing their regrets about getting certain plastic surgeries. As a plastic surgery practice, we hate to hear this, but we also know that there are steps we take to help patients avoid ending up in the situation. We desire to help patients achieve goals that have longevity. […]
3 Reasons To Choose Dr. DeMercurio For Plastic Surgery in Central Florida

You make many decisions in your life, from what to eat for each meal to which roads you’ll take to and from work each day. Choosing medical care is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. There are a lot of factors that go into determining the right doctors for you. We all […]
Liposuction Q&A: Your Top Questions Answered

Are you living in a body you’re unsatisfied with but don’t know how to change it? We’ve found that some people don’t see plastic surgery procedures like liposuction as real solutions to their body concerns. In part because they don’t truly understand how the procedure works and how it can improve their lives. Today, we’re […]
Let Your Inner Youth and Vibrance Shine Outwardly With a Face Lift

As children, we look around at our parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles and think they are ancient. But it turns out that the longer you’re alive, the more you realize that age is just a number. And your 50-year-old grandmother, who seemed like she was as old as time, was really in the prime of […]