Why Our Clients Choose to Get These 4 Popular Cosmetic Procedures

The reasons that people choose to get cosmetic surgery vary as much as our patients do. Plastic surgery as a field focuses primarily on helping people attain a physical appearance about which they can feel confident and excited. It’s difficult for us to assume why people opt for specific procedures, but overall there seem to be some common themes. 

Of all the cosmetic procedures offered in our office, the following four are the most popular in no particular order.

1. Tummy Tuck 

As a plastic surgery practice operating in central Florida, we see that many of our patients are motivated by swimsuit season. And when the swimsuit season takes up most of the year, it drives many of our patients to procedures like the tummy tuck, which creates a flat, tight stomach that looks great in a bathing suit.

The tummy tuck procedure creates a firm waistline by eliminating excess skin and tissue. This is a very popular procedure for women who have carried children or people who have lost significant weight but still have some tricky areas that they can’t seem to conquer. Often, our patients elect to combine a tummy tuck with liposuction to target pockets of fat that have not been impacted by their healthy diet and regular exercise routine.

2. Face Lift

As we age, our skin becomes thinner and less resilient, and there is no place on your body that is more evident than on your face. Aging, sun damage, and smoking are just some factors that change our skin from supple and youthful to thin and sagging. There are products on the market that can improve the quality of your skin and injectables that add some plumpness back to your face, but nothing can completely reverse the signs of aging. This is where the facelift comes in! 

The facelift is one of our most popular procedures because it offers the type of transformation patients dream of. A facelift can address some of the most challenging issues, like sagging skin, drooping around the neck, and the dreaded double chin. If you need help bringing your fresh and youthful face back, a facelift may be the procedure you’ve been looking for.

3. Brazilian Butt Lift

No matter their age, our patients all seem to want the same thing: a curvy and youthful shape. These days, one of the areas of concern for many patients is their backside. They want a full and voluptuous rear, but no amount of targeted exercise seems to make the difference. Fortunately, we have a solution that kills two birds with one stone.

The Brazilian Butt Lift is a creative solution to the plague of the small rear end. Paired with a liposuction procedure, the Brazilian Butt Lift injects the patient’s fat (removed from another area of the body) into the buttocks to create a fuller appearance—patients who undergo this procedure report increased confidence in their body shape. 

4. Breast Augmentation

Finally, breast augmentation is (and has been for some time) one of the most popular cosmetic procedures worldwide. Whether you were born with small breasts or have seen changes in your breast size due to age, weight loss, or breastfeeding, there are many different reasons why this procedure has long been so popular.

Breast augmentation is the procedure that many people know simply as a “boob job,” where saline or silicone implants are inserted into the breast area to improve the size and shape of the breast. Augmentation is often paired with a breast lift, which eliminates extra skin to improve the breasts’ shape and returns them to a more youthful position.

As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and each of the procedures listed above is highly successful because they enable patients to see beauty in themselves. Our patients flock to these particular procedures because they improve their confidence and sometimes their comfort level too.

If you’re considering plastic surgery but haven’t decided where to begin, our team can help you hone in on the ideal procedure to meet your needs. Contact our office anytime to learn more.